Welcome to the EFI! Here is some general information about working in the Michelson Center for Physics (MCP), which is the home of the EFI. See the sidebar links for more information about specific research groups in the EFI.
If you have other questions that aren't answered here, contact the people below. Even if you don't have a question, feel free to stop by and introduce yourself to your administrator. They will be your main contact for any issues.
Administrator for faculty, postdoc, fellow or other academic appointments
Mary Heintz(mkheintz@uchicago.edu), 773-795-1134
Administrator for Marcela Carena, Clay Córdova, Luca Delacrétaz, Keisuke Harigaya, Jeff Harvey, Dan Holz, David Kutasov, Emil Martinec, Sav Sethi, Dam Son, Carlos Wagner, Bob Wald, LianTao Wang, Paul Wiegmann and Scott Wakely
Beth An Nakatsuka(bnakatsuka@uchicago.edu), MCP 101, 773-834-4651, Beth An is usually in the office from 7-3 and works remotely on Fridays
Administrator for Ed Blucher, Juan Collar, Karri DiPetrillo, Bonnie Fleming, Henry Frisch, Luca Grandi, Young-Kee Kim, David Miller, Mark Oregila, Paolo Privitera, Dave Schmitz, Mel Shochet, Yau Wah and Scott Wakely
Ramona Echols(rechols06@uchicago.edu), MCP 263, 773-702-8113, Ramona is usually in the office from 8-4 and works remotely on Thursdays
Administrator for Fred Ciesla, Nicolas Dauphas, Andrew Davis, Lawrence Grossman and Michael Pellin
Jolene Hanchar(jhanchar@uchicago.edu), Hinds 161, 773-702-8104
Administrator for Damiano Caprioli, Wayne Hu, Rocky Kolb, Andrey Kravtsov, Jeff McMahon and Bob Rosner
Jennifer Smith(jmsmith@astro.uchicago.edu), ERC 599C, 773-834-0393
Administrator for Abby Vieregg
Maureen Lowery(maureenlowery@uchicago.edu), ERC 499, 773-834-5623
Assistant to John Carlstrom
Shawn Manner(smanner@uchicago.edu), ERC 343, 773-702-6578
For IT questions or anything not covered by the people above
Mary Heintz(mkheintz@uchicago.edu), Young 306, 773-795-1134, Mary is usually on-campus from 8-4
Graduate students whose thesis advisor has their primary office in MCP are eligible for a desk in MCP. Please note that desk space is very in demand and we are not able to immediately accommodate all requests. However, we will attempt to assign a desk as soon as possible. We cannot provide a desk to students who are working on projects with professors here. Those students are welcome to work at a table in the 3rd floor atrium or one of the tables outside of MCP 201. If a graduate student has been assigned a second desk in another office, they are expected to give up their desk in MCP or give up their other desk. Postdocs and graduate students all have desks in shared offices. Undergraduate students are not assigned any desks in MCP. They are allowed to work at a table in the 3rd floor atrium or one of the tables outside of MCP 201 any time there is not an event going on.
Mailing Lists
There are two EFI mailing lists with general information. You can sign up for these mailing lists by logging in to https://lists.uchicago.edu.
- efi - This list will get announcements about EFI events open to the public (EFI colloquia, special seminars, etc.)
- mcp-buildings - This list is more for announcements specific to MCP, as in there is free food available, problems with the elevators, etc.
From time to time, you may see free food and coffee set up in various locations in MCP. In all cases, this food has been purchased for a specific event. Please do not help yourself to the food or coffee. Once the attendees for the event have finished, we will send out a message to the mcp-buildings mailing list, letting people know that they can help themselves.
There are coffee machines available on the second and third floors of MCP. You can buy the packets needed to make the coffee in MCP 101 for 50 cents/packet.
There are printers on each floor of MCP. In general, you should use the printers on the floor where you have a desk. All of the printers are located in the corner of the building near the elevators. You may need to walk around a wall to see them. Click on the links below to get the specific model information for each printer.
- heprint3.uchicago.edu - 1st Floor B/W printer, admin: Mary Heintz(mkheintz@uchicago.edu)
- hep3-color.uchicago.edu - 1st Floor Color printer, admin: Mary Heintz(mkheintz@uchicago.edu)
- heprint2.uchicago.edu - 2nd Floor B/W printer, admin: Mary Heintz(mkheintz@uchicago.edu)
- hep2-color.uchicago.edu - 2nd Floor Color printer, admin: Mary Heintz(mkheintz@uchicago.edu)
- theory3mf.uchicago.edu - 3rd Floor Color printer, admin: Beth An Nakatsuka(bnakatsuka@uchicago.edu)
- theory4.uchicago.edu - 4th Floor Color printer, admin: Beth An Nakatsuka(bnakatsuka@uchicago.edu)
If you are having trouble setting up a printer, email Mary Heintz(mkheintz@uchicago.edu). Please note that you will NOT be able to access the printers if you are connected to the eduroam wifi with an account that is NOT your uchicago.edu account. For example, if you normally use a Fermilab account to connect to eduroam and you continue to use that here, you won't see any of the printers. To fix that, either log out of eduroam and log back in with your uchicago account or instead join the uchicago-secure wifi.
If there is a problem (out of paper, toner, error messages, etc.), please contact the admin above.
There is a scanner/fax located in MCP 101 that you can use. See Beth An for assistance.
Conference Rooms
Each floor has a small conference room that you can use for meetings. Each conference room is equipped with a screen, camera, speaker/mic, speaker telephone. If you need any assistance with AV equipment in any of the rooms, please contact Mary Heintz(mkheintz@uchicago.edu)
- MCP 127
- MCP 215
- MCP 364
- MCP 440
- MCP 201 This is our large conference room mainly used for seminars and colloquia. No recurring events are scheduled on Thursdays and Fridays so that the room is available for special events. If you want to host a special event in MCP, please visit our Conference Room Rentals page for more details.
Access to WiFi is through the uchicago-secure or eduroam wifi access points. After selecting either network, you'll be prompted to login with your CNetID. If you have a guest who needs WiFi access, you can give them access by visiting https://uchicago-guest.uchicago.edu. If you have any trouble with this or need to set up WiFi access for more than two individuals, please email Mary Heintz(mkheintz@uchicago.edu)
Anti-Virus Software
The university strongly requests that all computers connected to the campus network be running the professional version of CrowdStrike, which is licensed by the university. The software runs on Mac, Windows and Linux computers. Please email Mary Heintz(mkheintz@uchicago.edu) for instructions on how to install this software.
Incoming packages should be shipped to the dock in the William Eckhardt Research Center (WERC). Packages received by 1pm will be sorted and usually delivered to your office by 3:30pm each day. Please use this address for all packages:
Your Name, MCP (office number)
5640 S Ellis Ave
Chicago IL 60637
If your delivery is larger than 42" x 42", it will not fit through the doors from the WERC dock and other arrangements must be made. To make those arrangements, please contact Jess Valle(jvalle1@uchicago.edu) before the package is shipped.
Outgoing packages can be dropped off at the WERC dock only if they already have a Fedex label attached. Talk to the staff on the dock to find out where to leave your outgoing shipment. The university uses eShipGlobal, available in Buysite to create shipping labels. You will need to use a university account number to pay for these labels. We are unable to generate shipping labels for personal shipments. If you do not have access to Buysite and still need to ship something, please contact Mary Heintz(mkheintz@uchicago.edu)
Reimbursements for theorists are handled by Beth An Nakatsuka(bnakatsuka@uchicago.edu)
Reimbursements for experimentalists are handled by Ramona Echols(rechols06@uchicago.edu)
Contact either of them for further information.
Please send a picture to Mary Heintz(mkheintz@uchicago.edu)
@uchicago.edu Email
If you have any trouble with your @uchicago.edu email, you should ALWAYS be able to access it by going to outlook.office.com and entering in your uchicago email address. If you have questions about how to set up your local mail client, contact Mary Heintz(mkheintz@uchicago.edu)
The EFI Colloquia are held every Monday at 3:30pm in MCP 201 during the autumn, winter and spring quarters. Snacks are available at 3pm. All people affiliated with the EFI are highly encouraged to attend.