Past Events


EFI Colloquium - Swamplandish Predictions for Our Universe - Cumrun Vafa, Harvard

3:30 pm MCP 201

Swamplandish Predictions for our Universe
Cumrun Vafa, Harvard

May 13

Kadanoff Seminar: On the Stability of the Chern Number for 2D Fermionic Topological Phases. - Nikita Sopenko, IAS

1:30 pm MCP 201

On the Stability of the Chern Number for 2D Fermionic Topological Phases.

May 13

Compton Lecture - How Astrophysicists See the Universe

11:00 am–12:00 pm KPTC Room 106

This is a lecture series about the different telescopes astrophysicists use and how they are used to learn about the universe.

It is free and open to the public.

May 11

EFI Colloquium - Emergence in trillion-degree matter and other high-density systems, Austin A. Baty, UIC

3:30–4:45 pm MCP 201

Emergence in trillion-degree matter and other high-density systems
Austin A. Baty, UIC

May 6

Kadanoff Seminar: Solving a strongly interacting scalar quantum field theory in four dimensions. - Thimo Preis, University of Heidelberg

1:30 pm MCP 201

Solving a strongly interacting scalar quantum field theory in four dimensions.

May 6

Compton Lecture - How Astrophysicists See the Universe

11:00 am–12:00 pm KPTC Room 106

This is a lecture series about the different telescopes astrophysicists use and how they are used to learn about the universe.

It is free and open to the public.

May 4

EFI Colloquium - Testing Gravity at ever shorter scale: a trip into exotic experimental physics, Giorgio Gratta, Stanford University

3:30–4:45 pm MCP 201

Testing Gravity at ever shorter scale: a trip into exotic experimental physics
Giorgio Gratta, Stanford University

Apr 29

Kadanoff Seminar: Analyticity and the Unruh effect. - Jonathan Sorce, MIT

1:30 pm MCP 201

Analyticity and the Unruh effect.

Apr 29

Compton Lecture - How Astrophysicists See the Universe

11:00 am–12:00 pm KPTC Room 106

This is a lecture series about the different telescopes astrophysicists use and how they are used to learn about the universe.

It is free and open to the public.

Apr 27