Past Events


Compton Lecture - How Astrophysicists See the Universe

11:00 am–12:00 pm KPTC Room 106

This is a lecture series about the different telescopes astrophysicists use and how they are used to learn about the universe.

It is free and open to the public.

May 11

EFI Colloquium - Emergence in trillion-degree matter and other high-density systems, Austin A. Baty, UIC

3:30–4:45 pm MCP 201

Emergence in trillion-degree matter and other high-density systems
Austin A. Baty, UIC

May 6

Kadanoff Seminar: Solving a strongly interacting scalar quantum field theory in four dimensions. - Thimo Preis, University of Heidelberg

1:30 pm MCP 201

Solving a strongly interacting scalar quantum field theory in four dimensions.

May 6

Compton Lecture - How Astrophysicists See the Universe

11:00 am–12:00 pm KPTC Room 106

This is a lecture series about the different telescopes astrophysicists use and how they are used to learn about the universe.

It is free and open to the public.

May 4

EFI Colloquium - Testing Gravity at ever shorter scale: a trip into exotic experimental physics, Giorgio Gratta, Stanford University

3:30–4:45 pm MCP 201

Testing Gravity at ever shorter scale: a trip into exotic experimental physics
Giorgio Gratta, Stanford University

Apr 29

Kadanoff Seminar: Analyticity and the Unruh effect. - Jonathan Sorce, MIT

1:30 pm MCP 201

Analyticity and the Unruh effect.

Apr 29

Compton Lecture - How Astrophysicists See the Universe

11:00 am–12:00 pm KPTC Room 106

This is a lecture series about the different telescopes astrophysicists use and how they are used to learn about the universe.

It is free and open to the public.

Apr 27

EFI Colloquium, Stefan Guindon - HGTD: Towards an ATLAS Timing Detector for HL-LHC, CERN

3:30–4:45 pm MCP 201

HGTD: Towards an ATLAS Timing Detector for HL-LHC
Stefan Guindon, CERN

Apr 22
Apr 22