EFI Colloquium -  Multi-disciplinary Research at the Bern medical Cyclotron, Saverio Braccini, University of Bern

3:30 pm MCP 201

The applications of high energy physics are fundamental in modern medicine and deeply influenced its development. In particular, the conception and the realization of specific particle accelerators and detectors determined crucial advances in medical imaging and cancer radiation therapy. Medical practices common nowadays were not even imaginable only a few years ago. Starting from the basic concepts, this talk will focus on the multi-disciplinary research activities performed at the cyclotron laboratory at the Bern University Hospital (Inselspital) in the last ten years. In particular, the most recent results on the production of novel radioisotopes for medical diagnostics and therapy (theranostics) will be presented together with recent developments towards the set-up of a beam line for cell biology studies at standard and ultra-high dose rates in proton therapy. 

Event Type


Feb 17