Congratulations to Bjorn Scholz for 2020 Tanaka Dissertation Award!
November 21, 2019

Congratulations to Bjorn Scholz for 2020 Tanaka Dissertation Award!
2nd Annual John A Simpson Lecture
October 17, 2019

2nd Annual John A Simpson Lecture: The Highest Energy Cosmic Rays - Present Status and Future Prospects
Prize Fellowships Available
September 26, 2019

Event Horizon Telescope Awarded 2020 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
September 5, 2019

Professor John Carlstrom
UChicago names building after pioneering physicist Albert Michelson
August 23, 2019

UChicago names building after pioneering physicist Albert Michelson
Welcome Clay Córdova
August 8, 2019

Assistant Professor Clay Córdova
Professors Miller and Schmitz host 7th graders in outreach program
July 15, 2019

Professor David Miller with students from the program.
Congratulations to Evan Angelico and Adel Rahman, 2019 Sugarman Winners
June 6, 2019