EFI Colloquium
4:15 pm PRC 201
Scale symmetry in particle physics and cosmology
Christof Wetterich, University of Heidelberg
EFI Colloquium
4:15 pm PRC 201
Experimental elementary particle physics in the EFI - past, present, and future
Jim Pilcher, UChicago
EFI Colloquium
4:15 pm PRC 201
Robert R. Wilson, from Frontier Wyoming to Weston Illinois
Maury Tigner, Cornell University
EFI Colloquium
4:15 pm ERC 401
The collision of magnetic flux ropes, magnetic reconnection and non-local Ohm’s law
Walter Gekelman, UCLA
EFI Colloquium
4:15 pm ERC 401
Tunnel Visions: The History of the Superconducting Super Collider
Adrienne Kolb, Former Lab Archivist and Historian for Fermilab
EFI Colloquium
4:15 pm ERC 401
Next steps in new physics searches, LHC and beyond
LianTao Wang, UChicago
EFI Colloquium
4:15 pm
The Diversity and Demographics of Distant Rocky Worlds
Leslie Rogers, UChicago