Past Events


90th Compton Lecture Series - What to Do When Gravity Waves, Reed Clasey Essick

11:00 am Maria Goeppert-Mayer Lecture Hall

Gravitational Waves are a completely new way of observing our universe and have already revolutionized our understanding of multiple types of astrophysical phenomena in the four short years since they were first directly detected. In this lecture series, we’ll review the basics of General Relativity, the modern theory of gravity, how we detect Gravitational Waves on Earth, and investigate what they can tell us about our universe.

Oct 5

90th Compton Lecture Series - What to Do When Gravity Waves, Reed Clasey Essick

11:00 am Maria Goeppert-Mayer Lecture Hall

Gravitational Waves are a completely new way of observing our universe and have already revolutionized our understanding of multiple types of astrophysical phenomena in the four short years since they were first directly detected. In this lecture series, we’ll review the basics of General Relativity, the modern theory of gravity, how we detect Gravitational Waves on Earth, and investigate what they can tell us about our universe.

Sep 28

International Workshop on the Circular Electron-Positron Collider

Through September 18, 2019 MCP 201

Since the discovery of the Higgs boson, there have been active planning efforts for the future of high energy physics beyond the LHC, and several Higgs factories based on electron positron colliders have been proposed. This meeting will focus on one such proposal, the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC), with the goal of promoting collaborations among communities working on future high energy colliders as well as facilitating formation of international collaborations.

Sep 16

EFI Offices Closed July 4-5

Through July 5, 2019

The EFI Offices will be closed on July 4th & 5th for the Independence Day holiday.

Jul 4

The 89th Arthur H. Compton Lectures

11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center 106

Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking
Yu-Chen Tung, UChicago

Jun 1

The 89th Arthur H. Compton Lectures

11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center 106

Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking
Yu-Chen Tung, UChicago

May 25

EFI Colloquium

3:30 pm PRC 201

The Power of Conformal Symmetry
Zohar Komargodski, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics

May 6

EFI Colloquium

3:30 pm PRC 201

Measurement of Cosmic Rays in the Galaxy Using the H3+ Spectrum
Takeshi Oka, UChicago

Apr 22

EFI Colloquium

3:30 pm PRC 201

String Theory, Quark-Gluon Plasma, and the Dying Whispers of Black Holes
Andrei Starinets, University of Oxford

Mar 4