Kadanoff Seminar - Entangled Pauli Principles, Alexander Seidel, Washington University in St. Louis
1:30 pm VIA ZOOM
Entangled Pauli Principles, Alexander Seidel, Washington University in St. Louis
Particle Theory Seminar - 2-group symmetries of little string theories and T-duality, Michele Del Zotto, Uppsala University
1:30 pm VIA ZOOM
2-group symmetries of little string theories and T-duality, Michele Del Zotto, Uppsala University
EFI Colloquium - Q-NEXT: Engineering Entanglement for Computation, Communication and Sensing - David Awschalom, UChicago
3:30 pm Zoom
Q-NEXT: Engineering Entanglement for Computation, Communication and Sensing
David Awschalom, UChicago
Kadanoff Seminar - Quantum smectic gauge theory, Leo Radzhiovsky, University of Colorado Boulder
1:30 pm VIA ZOOM
Quantum smectic gauge theory, Leo Radzhiovsky, University of Colorado Boulder
Particle Theory Seminar - Was There an Electroweak Phase Transition?, Michael Ramsey-Musolf, UMass Amherst
1:30 pm VIA ZOOM
Was There an Electroweak Phase Transition?, Michael Ramsey-Musolf, UMass Amherst
Kadanoff Seminar - Hydrodynamics and the Spectral Form Factor, Brian Swingle, University of Maryland
1:30 pm VIA ZOOM
Hydrodynamics and the Spectral Form Factor, Brian Swingle, University of Maryland
EFI Colloquium: Robots Under the Ice, and One Day, In Space? - Britney Schmidt, Georgia Tech
3:30 pm Zoom
Robots Under the Ice, and One Day, In Space?
Britney Schmidt, Georgia Tech
EFI Colloquium - Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems (SQMS), Anna Grassellino, Fermilab
4:00 pm Zoom
Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems (SQMS) – a new DOE National Quantum Information Science Research Center
Anna Grassellino, Fermilab
Search for New Physics with Electronic-Recoil Events in XENON1T
9:00 am Online
Evan Shockley, The University of Chicago
On behalf of the XENON collaboration
2020 Sugarman Awards
12:00 pm Zoom
29th Annual Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate and Graduate Student Research