3:30–4:30 pm MCP 201/Zoom
Towards a New Generation of Bubble Chambers with Light Nuclear Targets
Bryan Ramson, Fermilab
Long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments present some of the most compelling paths towards beyond-the-standard-model physics through measurement of PMNS matrix elements and observation of the degree of leptonic CP violation. State-of-the-art long-baseline oscillation experiments, like NOvA and T2K, are currently statistically limited, however uncertainty in neutrino-nucleus scattering represent important sources of systematic uncertainty and will fundamentally limit the precision of future experiments like DUNE and T2HK, if not addressed. Neutrino cross section uncertainties can be reduced through high statistics measurement of neutrino interactions on light nuclei, but creating a detector with an appropriate light target has proved elusive since the hydrogen bubble chambers designed in the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. Modern chamber-based dark matter detectors like PICO/PICASSO/COUPP and the Scintillating Bubble Chamber have demonstrated that advances in sensor technology, computing, and automation would allow a modern bubble chamber to fully utilize the megawatt scale intensity LBNF beam through the use of high resolution and high speed cameras, novel triggering, and machine-learning based event reconstruction. This talk will review the broad physics program for the construction of a bubble chamber for use with neutrinos supplied by LBNF/DUNE beam.