EFI Colloquium - High-precision measurement of the W boson mass with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC - Kenneth David Long, CERN
3:30 pm MCP 201
High-precision measurement of the W boson mass with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC
Kenneth David Long, CERN
EFI Holiday Party
12:00–2:00 pm MCP 3rd Floor Atrium
Kadanoff Seminar: Robust many-body phases from quantum error correction. - Nicholas O'Dea, Stanford
1:30 pm MCP 201
Robust many-body phases from quantum error correction.
Particle Theory Seminar - A Geometric Formulation of the Cosmological Wavefunction. - Carolina Figueiredo, Princeton University
1:30 pm MCP 201
A Geometric Formulation of the Cosmological Wavefunction.
Kadanoff Seminar: A Twist on Heterotic Little String Dualities. - Hamza Ahmed, Northeastern
1:30 pm MCP 201 - VIA ZOOM
A Twist on Heterotic Little String Dualities.
Compton Lecture - Understanding the Building Blocks of Nature with Particle Collisions and AI, Anthony Badea
11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center
These lectures are free and for the public.
Particle Theory Seminar: Entanglement entropy is elastic cross section. - Zhewei Yin, Northwestern
1:30 pm MCP 201
Entanglement entropy is elastic cross section.
Special Kadanoff Seminar: 2d Yang-Mills, symmetric orbifolds and AdS3/CFT2. - Kiarash Naderi, ETH Zurich
12:30 pm MCP - 3rd Floor Atrium
2d Yang-Mills, symmetric orbifolds and AdS3/CFT2.