Compton Lecture - Understanding the Building Blocks of Nature with Particle Collisions and AI, Anthony Badea
11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center
These lectures are free and for the public.
Particle Theory Seminar: Rare Processes during Inflation: CMB Hotspots and Early Galaxies. - Soubhik Kumar, New York University
1:30 pm MCP 201
Rare Processes during Inflation: CMB Hotspots and Early Galaxies.
EFI Colloquium - Taking the low road: extending the reach of collider physics experiments with low-level detector information, Grace Cummings, FNAL
3:30 pm MCP 201
Grace Cummings
Kadanoff Seminar - Entanglement and DMRG in the generalised Landau paradigm. - Laurens Lootens, Ghent University
1:30 pm MCP 201
Entanglement and DMRG in the generalised Landau paradigm.
Compton Lecture - Understanding the Building Blocks of Nature with Particle Collisions and AI, Anthony Badea
11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center
These lectures are free and for the public.
Particle Theory Seminar: Fermionic anomalies and topological phases of the lattice: The Ginsparg-Wilson relation and its generalization. - Hershdeep Signh, Fermilab
1:30–3:00 pm MCP 201
Fermionic anomalies and topological phases of the lattice: The Ginsparg-Wilson relation and its generalization.
EFI Colloquium - From Quantum Simulation of Cosmological Models to Time Reversal Symmetry, Cheng Chin, UChicago
3:30 pm MCP 201
From Quantum Simulation of Cosmological Models to Time Reversal Symmetry
Cheng Chin, UChicago
Kadanoff Seminar: Invertible subalgebras and locality-preserving discrete time evolution. - Jeongwan Haah, Stanford University
1:30 pm MCP 201 - VIA ZOOM
Invertible subalgebras and locality-preserving discrete time evolution.
Compton Lecture - Understanding the Building Blocks of Nature with Particle Collisions and AI, Anthony Badea
11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center
These lectures are free and for the public.
Special Kadanoff Seminar: Exact solution of the classical and quantum Heisenberg mean field spin glasses. - Markus Müller, Paul Scherrer Institute (Villigen, Switzerland)
12:00 pm MCP - 3rd Floor Atrium
Exact solution of the classical and quantum Heisenberg mean field spin glasses.