Particle Theory Seminar: The Two Scales of New Physics in Higgs Couplings. - Gabriele Rigo, IPhT
1:30 pm 3rd Floor Atrium
The Two Scales of New Physics in Higgs Couplings.
EFI Colloquium - New Results From The Muon g-2 Experiment, Esra Barlas Yucel, University of Illinois
3:30 pm MCP 201
New Results From The Muon g-2 Experiment
Esra Barlas Yucel, University of Illinois
Kadanoff Seminar: Entanglement Edge Modes in Matrix Quantum Mechanics. - Alexander Frenkel, Stanford University
1:30 pm MCP 201
Entanglement Edge Modes in Matrix Quantum Mechanics.
Compton Lecture - How Fundamental Science Has Changed the World
11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center
Free lectures for the public
Kadanoff Seminar: How a quantum system self-organizes far from equilibrium. - Thimo Preis, University of Heidelberg
1:30 pm MCP 201
How a quantum system self-organizes far from equilibrium.
Informal Particle Theory Seminar: Yoshiki Kanazawa, University of Tokyo
1:30 pm 3rd Floor Atrium
Particle Theory Seminar: New inflationary probes of axion dark matter. - Lingfeng Li, Brown University
1:30 pm MCP 201
New inflationary probes of axion dark matter.
Particle Theory Seminar: Journey with Sourced Millicharged Particles and Dark Photons. - Zhen Liu, Minnesota University
1:30 pm MCP 201
Journey with Sourced Millicharged Particles and Dark Photons.
Particle Theory Seminar: Instanton Operator in Lattice QCD from Higher Category Theory. - Jingyuan Chen, Tsinghua University
1:30 pm MCP - 3rd Floor Atrium
Instanton Operator in Lattice QCD from Higher Category Theory.
Sugarman Awards
1:30 pm MCP 201