Kadanoff Seminar: Neural Networks and Quantum Field Theory. - Christian Ferko, Northeastern University & IAIFI
1:30 pm MCP 201
Neural Networks and Quantum Field Theory.
EFI Colloquium - Enforcing Self-Consistent Kinematic Constraints in Neutrino Energy Estimators, Joshua Barrow, UMN
3:30–4:45 pm MCP 201
Enforcing Self-Consistent Kinematic Constraints in Neutrino Energy Estimators
Joshua Barrow, UMN
Particle Theory Seminar: Stability of Superconducting Strings. - Fengwei Yang, University of Florida
1:30 pm MCP 201
Stability of Superconducting Strings.
Compton Lecture - Neutrinos: Detectors and Discoveries by Thomas Wester
11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center
These lectures are free and for the public.
Watch in person or online!
Kadanoff Seminar: Finiteness and the Emergence of Dualities. - Damian Van De Heisteeg, Harvard University
1:30 pm MCP 201
Finiteness and the Emergence of Dualities.
Particle Theory Seminar: Tanner Trickle, Fermilab
1:30 pm MCP 201
Compton Lecture - Neutrinos: Detectors and Discoveries by Thomas Wester
11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center
These lectures are free and for the public.
Watch in person or online!
Particle Theory Seminar: Quantum-corrected Black Hole Entropy and EFT Transitions. - Alberto Castello, UChicago
1:30 pm MCP 201
Quantum-corrected Black Hole Entropy and EFT Transitions.
Compton Lecture - Neutrinos: Detectors and Discoveries by Thomas Wester
11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center
These lectures are free and for the public.
Watch in person or online!
Kadanoff Seminar: Hong Liu, MIT
1:30 pm MCP 201
Particle Theory Seminar: Kevin Zhou, UC Berkeley
1:30 pm MCP 201
Compton Lecture - Neutrinos: Detectors and Discoveries by Thomas Wester
11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center
These lectures are free and for the public.
Watch in person or online!
Kadanoff Seminar: Max Metlitski, MIT
1:30 pm MCP 201
Particle Theory Seminar: Building up quantum spacetimes with BCFT tensor networks. - Yikun Jiang, Northeastern University
1:30 pm MCP 201
Building up quantum spacetimes with BCFT tensor networks.
Compton Lecture - Neutrinos: Detectors and Discoveries by Thomas Wester
11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center
These lectures are free and for the public.
Watch in person or online!
Joint Kadanoff/JFI Seminar: Shahal Ilani
1:30–2:30 pm GCIS W301/W303
Compton Lecture - Neutrinos: Detectors and Discoveries by Thomas Wester
11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center
These lectures are free and for the public.
Watch in person or online!
Kadanoff Seminar: Yizhi You, Northeasten
1:30 pm MCP 201
Compton Lecture - Neutrinos: Detectors and Discoveries by Thomas Wester
11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center
These lectures are free and for the public.
Watch in person or online!
Compton Lecture - Neutrinos: Detectors and Discoveries by Thomas Wester
11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center
These lectures are free and for the public.
Watch in person or online!