Current and Previous Fellows

Enrico Fermi Fellowship Recipients

Dates of Fellowship Name Area of Work University
2022-2023 Claire Guepin Experimental Physics Physics Inst. D'Astrophysique, Paris
2020-2021 Evan McDonough Theoretical Physics McGill University
2018-2021 Daniel Baxter Experimental Physics Northwestern University
2017-2020 Grayson Rich Experimental Physics North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2016-2019 Emmanuel Stamou Theoretical Physics Tech. Univ. of Munich
2015-2018 Camille Avestruz  Cosmological Physics Yale University
2014-2016 James Saxon Experimental High Energy Physics University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy
2013-2016 Emmanouil Chatzopoulos Astronomy &  Astrophysics University of Texas at Austin
2013-2015 Sungjay Lee Theoretical Physics Seoul National University
2008-2011 Peter Onyisi Exp High Energy Physics Cornell
2007-2010 Carla Fröhlich Nuclear Astrophysics University of Basel
2006-2009 Jeffrey McMahon Experimental Astrophysics Princeton
2005-2008 Kohei Yorita Exp High Energy Physics Waseda University
2004-2007 Ivan Furic Exp High Energy Physics MIT
2003-2005 Vadim Rusu Exp. HEP University of Pennsylvania
2003-2005 Risa Wechsler (Hubble Fellow) Theor. Astrophysics Univ. of Michigan
2002-2004 Marcus Runyon Exp. Cosmology Caltech
2001-2003 Alexander Heger Theor. Astrophysics Max-Planck-Institut fur Astrophysik 
2001-2003 Charles R. Keeton, III Theor. Astrophysics Harvard
2000-2002 Maria Spiropulu Exp HEP Harvard University
1999-2001 Edward Brown Theor. Astrophysics U. California, Berkeley
1998-2000 William J. Ashmanskas Exp High Energy Physics U. California, Berkeley
1997-1999 Jens C. Niemeyer Theor. Astrophysics Max-Planck-Institut fur Astrophysik
1996-1998 Tsuyoshi Nakaya Exp High Energy Physics Osaka University
1995-1997 Martin White Theor Astrophys & Cosmology Yale University
1994-1996 Eanna Flanagan General Relativity Caltech
1994 Suzanne Staggs Exp. Astrophysics Princeton
1993-1995 Andre Turcot High Energy Physics TRIUMF, Vancouver, B.C
1993-1995 Francis X. Timmes Theor.  Astrophysics U. of California, Santa Cruz
1989-1991 Anne Taormina Theor. Particle Physics Phys. Mons. U. Belgium
1986-1988 Michael Mattis Theor.  Particle Physics Stanford
1986-1988 Leslie Rosenberg High Energy Physics Stanford
1985-1987 Jay Hauser High Energy Physics Caltech
1985-1987 Adrian Kent Theor. Particle Physics DAMTP, Cambridge
1983-1986 Adrian Melott Theor. Astrophysics Pittsburgh
1983-1986 Jeffrey Rabin Theor. Particle Physics Yale
1982-1984 Lee Lindblom Theor. Astrophysics University of Maryland
1981-1983 Ewald Muller Theor. Astrophysics Technical U., Darmstadt, FRG
1981-1983 Mark Oreglia High Energy Physics Stanford
1980-1982 Daniel Jaffe Infrared Astronomy Harvard
1980-1982 Craig Hogan Theor. Astrophysics Harvard
1979-1981 Y. Hosotani Theor. Particle Physics University of Tokyo
1978-1980 Michael Turner Relativity Stanford
1975-1977 David Levin Theor. Particle Physics UCLA
1974-1976 Tohru Eguchi Theor. Particle Physics University of Tokyo
1974-1976 John Friedman Relativity Yale
1974-1976 Kirk McDonald High Energy Physics Caltech
1972-1974 Clifford Will Relativity Caltech
1971-1972 Marvin Kemple University of Illinois
1971-1972 Eli Rosenberg High Energy Physics University of Illinois
1971-1972 Robert McCarthy High Energy Physics U. of California, Berkeley
1970-1971 Thomas Knasel High Energy Physics Harvard
1969-1970 Deane Merrill High Energy Physics U. of California, Berkeley
1967-1968 George Gloeckler Cosmic Rays University of Chicago
1966-1968 J. Zakrzewski Cosmic Rays, H.E.P. Univ. of Warsaw, Poland
1966-1968 Enrico Predazzi Theoretical Particle Phys University of Turin, Rome
1966-1967 Giovanni Conforto High Energy Physics University of Rome
1965-1966 David Fryberger High Energy Physics University of Chicago
1964-1965 Robert Esterling High Energy Physics U. of California, Berkeley
1963-1964 Clifford Schumacher Theor. Particle Physics Cornell

Robert R. McCormick Fellowship Recipients

Dates of Fellowship Name Area of Work University
2021-2024 Benjamin Rosser Experimental High Energy Physics University of Pennsylvania
2019-2022 Luca Delacrétaz High Energy Physics Stanford
2018-2021 Christine Simpson Computational Cosmology Columbia University
2017-2020 Tova Holmes Experimental High-Energy Physics
2015-2018 Maximilian Swiatlowski Experimental High-Energy Physics Stanford University
2014-2017 Benjamin Farr Theoretical Physics University of Oregon
2013-2016 John Alison Experimental High-Energy Physics University of Pennsylvania
2013-2016 Austin Joyce Cosmology University of Pennsylvania
2011-2014 David W. Miller High Energy Physics Stanford
2010-2013 Johannes Heinonen Theoretical Physics Cornell University
2010-2013 Stephen Hoover Experimental Astrophysics UCLA
2008-2011 Pedro Facal Experimental Astrophysics Univ. Santiago de Compostela
2007-2010 Tao Liu Theoretical High-Energy Physics Univ. of Pennsylvania
2006-2009 Nelia Mann Theoretical Physics Univ. of California, Santa Barbara
2005-2008 Nicholas Halmagyi Theoretical Physics University of Southern California
2003-2006 Brian Humensky Experimental Astrophysics Princeton
2002-2005 Maximo Ave  Experimental Astrophysics Univ. Santiago de Compostela
2001-2003 Bruce Knuteson High Energy Physics Univ. of California, Berkeley
2000-2002 Nektarios Vlahakis Theoretical Astrophysics University of Crete
1999-2001 Hsin-Chia Cheng Theoretical Physics Univ. of California, Berkeley
1999-2001 Eric Torrence High Energy Physics MIT
1998-2000 Finn Larsen Theoretical Physics Princeton University
1997-1999 Zoa Conner Experimental Astrophysics University of Maryland
1996-1998 William Holzapfel Experimental Astrophysics Univ. of California, Berkeley
1996-1998 Clement Pryke Experimental Astrophysics Leeds University
1995-1997 James Larkin Experimental Astrophysics Caltech
1994-1996 Ray Culbertson High Energy Physics U. of Ill, Urbana-Champaign
1994-1996 Erich Poppitz Theoretical Physics The Johns Hopkins University
1993-1995 John Ruhl Experimental Astrophysics Princeton
1992-1994 Peter Wilson Particle Experimental Physics Ohio State University
1991-1994 Elliott Cheu High Energy Physics Cornell
1991-1993 Ruth Gregory Relativity DAMTP, U of Cambridge
1991-1993 Petr Horava String Theory Academy of Science, Prague
1990-1992 Jean Quashnock Theoretical Astrophysics Princeton
1988-1991 Raymond Goldstein Theoretical Physics Cornell
1988-1990 Rene Ong High Energy Physics Stanford
1988-1990 Anthony Barker High Energy Physics UC, Santa Barbara
1987-1989 David Strom High Energy Physics U. of Wisconsin
1987-1989 John Wang Theoretical Astrophysics Cornell
1986-1988 Brian Newport Cosmic Ray Physics Cal. Inst. of Technology
1986-1988 Pierre Pelce Front Instabilities Not available
1984-1987 David Meyer Theoretical Astrophysics UCLA
1983-1986 Yoshi Kitazawa Theoretical Particle Physics Princeton
1983-1986 Yau Wah High Energy Physics Yale
1982-1984 Bernard Kay Relativity King's College, London
1982-1984 Paul Schinder Theoretical Astrophysics Cornell
1981-1983 George Fuller Theoretical Astrophysics Caltech
1981-1983 Akio Sugamoto Theoretical Particle Physics University of Tokyo
1980-1982 George Gollin Experimental HEP Caltech
1979-1981 James Fry Theoretical Astrophysics Princeton
1978-1980 Tom Curtright Theoretical Particle Physics Caltech
1978-1980 Tom Orlowski Chemistry Caltech
1977-1979 Typhoon Lee Cosmochem. & Theo. Astrophysics University of Texas, Austin
1975-1977 John Wefel High Energy Astrophysics Washington University
1975-1977 Sydney Falk Theoretical Astrophysics University of Texas, Austin

Reinhard & Mafalda Oehme Fellowship Recipients

Dates of Fellowship Name Area of Work University
2024-2027 Ameen Ismail Theoretical Physics Cornell University
2022-2025 Andrea Dei Theoretical Physics ETH Zürich
2020-2023 Seth Koren Theoretical Physics University of California, Santa Barbara
2019-2022 Theodore Daniel Brennan Mathematical Physics Rutgers University
2017-2020 Jia Liu Theoretical Physics NYU
2014-2017 Mikhail Goykhman Theoretical Physics Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2014-2017 AndreaTesi Theoretical Physics Inst. Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare