

Marcela Carena Named 2022 DOE Distinguished Scientist

October 26, 2022

Congrats to Zihni Baykara, Macallan Maedke, Kaeli Hughes, Rostom Mbarek

May 25, 2022

2022 Sugarman Awards


Aloof neutrons may actually ‘talk’ to one another briefly in new kind of symmetry

September 14, 2021

Aloof neutrons may actually ‘talk’ to one another briefly in new kind of symmetry

2021 Sugarman Awards: João Shida, Ihar Lobach and Yikun Wang

May 27, 2021


2021 Sugarman Awards: João Shida, Ihar Lobach and Yikun Wang

NASA Selects 4 Concepts for Small Missions to Study Universe’s Secrets

January 11, 2021

As neutron stars collide, some of the debris blasts away in particle jets moving at nearly the speed of light, producing a brief burst of gamma rays.

NASA Selects 4 Concepts for Small Missions to Study Universe’s Secrets

Credits: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/CI Lab


Dark matter detector picks up unexplained new signal

June 17, 2020


Dark matter detector picks up unexplained new signal

2020 Sugarman Awards: Keir Adams, Philip Mansfield and Karthik Ramanathan

May 14, 2020

2020 Sugarman Awards

Misbehaving kaons could hint at the existence of new particles

February 4, 2020

University of Chicago Phoenix shield

Congratulations to Eugene Parker for Being Awarded the 2020 Crafoord Prize

January 30, 2020

Congratulations to Eugene Parker for Being Awarded the 2020 Crafoord Prize


Congratulations to Bjorn Scholz for 2020 Tanaka Dissertation Award!

November 21, 2019

Bjorn Scholz

Congratulations to Bjorn Scholz for 2020 Tanaka Dissertation Award!

2nd Annual John A Simpson Lecture

October 17, 2019

2nd Annual John A Simpson Lecture:  The Highest Energy Cosmic Rays - Present Status and Future Prospects

Prize Fellowships Available

September 26, 2019

University of Chicago Phoenix shield

Event Horizon Telescope Awarded 2020 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

September 5, 2019

John Carlstrom

Professor John Carlstrom

UChicago names building after pioneering physicist Albert Michelson

August 23, 2019

UChicago names building after pioneering physicist Albert Michelson

Welcome Clay Córdova

August 8, 2019

Assistant Professor Clay Córdova