Compton Lecture - Understanding the Building Blocks of Nature with Particle Collisions and AI, Anthony Badea

11:00 am Kersten Physics Teaching Center

5720 South Ellis Ave, Room 106
Chicago IL 60637

Ultra-relativistic particle collisions provide unique access to the properties of quantum field theories at high energies and recreate in the laboratory the conditions of the early universe. Measurements at facilities such as the Large Hadron Collider have established that the Standard Model is a highly accurate theory of nature. There are, however, still major outstanding questions related to the early universe and the fields that drove its dynamics. To answer these questions, we are creating the next-generation of accelerator-based experiments and technology.

In this lecture series, we will discuss the forefront of research in particle physics. We will focus on accelerator based experiments to understand the conditions, objectives, and technology needs. In particular, we will highlight how new computing hardware and artificial intelligence (AI) are opening up novel experimental programs.

If you miss a lecture, see the recordings at

These lectures are free and for the public.


Event Type


Oct 19