EFI Colloquium - Triggering on New Physics at the CMS Experiment, Isobel Ojalvo, Princeton

3:30 pm

During Run-3 at the LHC, the search for new physics has significantly expanded. Development of advanced algorithms for the Level-1 trigger, encompassing techniques such as Long-Lived Particles, Data Scouting, and Muon showers to ensure broad data selection at the CMS experiment. Here, we introduce CICADA (Calorimeter Image Convolutional Anomaly Detection Algorithm), a state-of-the-art, fully autonomous AI algorithm engineered to process LHC event data in real-time and trigger on anomalous topologies. Operating directly on the rawest recorded data - the calorimeter energy deposits - CICADA demonstrates sensitivity to Standard Model processes. It unveils potential for Beyond the Standard Model Physics, including the exploration of previously untapped phase space at the LHC. We will also delve into future prospects for triggering at the CMS experiment during the HL-LHC era. 

Event Type


May 20