EFI Colloquium - EHT images of black holes: what we learn from them and how we can improve them, Lia Medeiros, IAS

3:30–4:45 pm MCP 201

Horizon-scale images of the Galactic Center black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) published by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) in 2022 allow for new strong-field tests of the Kerr metric in a previously unexplored regime. I will discuss the EHT observations of Sgr A* with a particular focus on how these new results can be used to test fundamental physics. I will briefly touch upon the earlier M87 results as well. In the second half of my talk I will discuss how we can improve upon these results in the near future. I will introduce PRIMO, a new machine-learning algorithm for EHT data analysis, which uses a large library of high-fidelity simulations as a training set. Finally, I will show a new higher-resolution image of the black hole in M87 reconstructed with PRIMO.

Event Type


Jan 29