Kadanoff Seminar - A journey from the swampland to the Landscape and back. - Houri Christina Tarazi, UChicago

1:30 pm MCP 201

MCP 201

A journey from the swampland to the Landscape and back.

We will start our New Year with an adventure from the Landscape to the Swampland( and back!). The journey will include an overview of various swampland conditions used to understand the string lamppost principle in the total quantum gravity Landscape. In particular, we will focus on supersymmetric theories and discuss questions related to the finiteness of massless modes and constraints on the matter of a given theory. We will then move on to discuss how a good understanding of the string Landscape can help us both understand better consistent theories but also guide us towards better Swampland principles. In particular, we will focus on non-geometric constructions using asymmetric and quasicrystalline orbifolds and consider their relation to geometric models.

Event Type


Jan 8