Special Kadanoff Seminar - Lieb-Schultz-Mattis Type Constraints and Gauging-related Dualities in 1D. - Aksoy Omer, Paul Scherrer Institute

1:30 pm VIA ZOOM - 3rd Floor Atrium

Lieb-Schultz-Mattis Type Constraints and Gauging-related Dualities in 1D.

Lieb-Schultz-Mattis (LSM) type theorems are no-go statements that apply to Hamiltonians with internal and spatial symmetries. They preclude a nondegenerate and gapped ground state that is simultaneously symmetric under both internal and spatial symmetries. In this talk, I will discuss LSM constraints from the perspective of mixed anomalies between spatial and internal symmetries. I will review various LSM Theorems that apply to spin models and their generalizations to the fermionic Hamiltonians. I will recast known deconfined quantum critical transitions in a 1D spin model as manifestations of LSM type constraints. I will show how after partial gauging of the internal symmetries, the various deconfined critical points are mapped to either (i) Landau-Ginzburg type continuous transitions or (ii) topological phase transitions between nontrivial and trivial symmetry protected topological phases. This talk is based on ongoing recent work with Apoorv Tiwari and Christopher Mudry.

Event Type


May 2