Parity Symmetry Breaking Scale and Standard Model Parameters, Keisuke Harigaya - UChicago

3:30–4:30 pm MCP 201

The strong interaction is known to preserve a fundamental symmetry called the CP symmetry. However, the interaction of the Higgs with quarks violates the CP symmetry and is expected to induce CP violation in the strong interaction. This discrepancy, called the strong CP problem, can be explained by a spontaneously broken parity symmetry. After reviewing the strong CP problem and the parity solution, I will show that the parity symmetry breaking scale in the minimal model can be determined by precisely measuring the Standard Model parameters. The parity symmetry breaking scale is correlated with other signatures of the model, such as a dark matter detection rate and proton decay rate, which are then correlated with the Standard Model parameters.

Event Type


Nov 7