Particle Theory Seminar: Ultra Unification and Deformation of the Standard Model. - Juven Wang, Harvard

1:30 am VIA ZOOM

Ultra Unification and Deformation of the Standard Model.

We introduce a viewpoint that the Standard Model (SM) is a low-energy quantum vacuum arising from various neighbor Grand Unification (GUT) like vacua competition in an immense quantum phase diagram. In general, we find the SM arises near the quantum critical regions between the competing neighbor vacua. Alternatively, we can also phrase this viewpoint in terms of the deformation class of quantum field theory (QFT), specified by its symmetry G and its anomaly. Seemly different QFTs of the same deformation class can be deformed to each other via quantum phase transitions. We show that GUT such as Georgi-Glashow su(5), Pati-Salam su(4)×su(2)×su(2), Barr’s flipped u(5), and familiar or modified so(n) models of Spin(n) gauge group, e.g., with n = 10, 18 can all reside in an appropriate SM deformation class. We show that Ultra Unification, which replaces some of sterile neutrinos with new exotic gapped/gapless sectors (e.g., topological or conformal field theory) or gravitational sectors with topological origins via cobordism constraints, also resides in an SM deformation class. Neighbor quantum phases near SM or their phase transitions, and neighbor gauge enhanced gapless quantum criticality naturally exhibit beyond SM phenomena.

Event Type


Feb 2