Particle Theory Seminar - Understanding QCD phase structure through functional QCD method, Fei Gao, University of Heidelberg

1:30 pm VIA ZOOM

Understanding QCD phase structure through functional QCD method

Within the functional QCD approach, the phase diagram of QCD at finite temperature  and density  has now been obtained without  need of phenomenological infrared parameters, through combining the two functional approaches, Dyson-Schwinger equations and the functional renormalisation group. We gave an estimation of critical end point at around (T,\mu_B)~(110,600) MeV under this state of the art truncation. The thermal properties of  QCD including the first order phase transition regime can also be computed after introducing a subtraction scheme for the effective potential, which can be applied to describe the heavy ion collison experiment and the evolution of the Universe.

Event Type


Jun 2