Roger Hildebrand Memorial

1:00 pm Zoom

Email Julia Brazas<> for the zoom link or more information

Virtual Memorial for Professor Emeritus Roger Hildebrand (1922-2021)

1:00 pm

Remembering Roger in Picture

2:00 pm

Program of Speakers
Angela Olinto, Dean of the Physical Sciences
John Boyer, Dean of the College
Robert Rosner, Professor, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics and EFI
Henry Frisch, Professor, Department of Physics and EFI
Dietrich Müller, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics and EFI
Stanley Whitcomb, Physicist
Jacqueline Davidson, Scientist, University of Western Australia
Giles Novak, Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University
John Vaillancourt, Scientist, MIT
Jessie Dotson, Astrophysicist, NASA Ames Research Center
Darren Dowell, Scientist, NASA JPL

3:30 pm

Opportunity to gather in small groups to remember Roger

May 22