Particle Physics Seminar - Kaon physics at CERN with the NA62 Experiment, Giuseppe Ruggiero, University of Florence in Italy

3:30 pm Zoom

Kaon physics at CERN with the NA62 Experiment
Giuseppe Ruggiero, University of Florence in Italy

Kaon mesons offer a unique opportunity to search for physics beyond the Standard Model, by measurement of the ultra-rare K→πνν ̅ decay, search for decay violating lepton universality, flavour and number, and search for production of low mass feebly interacting particles. The experimental status of kaon physics at CERN is reviewed, with particular emphasis on the latest results from the NA62 experiment: the final measurement of  K^+→π^+ νν ̅ branching ratio, the search of production of feebly interacting particles in  K^+→π^+ X and K^+→l^+ N decays, and the Standard Model violating processes K^+→πμe. Short, medium and long term prospects for experimental kaon physics at CERN are also discussed.

Event Type


May 17