Particle Physics Seminar - Enabling MeV-Scale Discovery By Improving Liquid Argon TPC Performance, Joseph Zennamo, Fermilab

3:30 pm Zoom

Enabling MeV-Scale Discovery By Improving Liquid Argon TPC Performance
Joseph Zennamo, Fermilab

A major challenge in searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay is designing a detector with a large mass, low backgrounds, and percent-level energy resolution. A large-scale, high-precision  LArTPC experiment, such as DUNE, could provide an exciting new opportunity for a sensitive neutrinoless double-beta decay search. By adding xenon as a dopant, a modified DUNE far detector module could enable a 100 ton-scale search for neutrinoless double-beta decay, whereas next-generation experiments are targeting ton-scale searches. I will discuss how we can enable percent-level energy resolution in large LArTPCs and the capabilities of a suitably modified DUNE detector to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay 

Event Type


Feb 8