EFI Colloquium - Q-NEXT: Engineering Entanglement for Computation, Communication and Sensing - David Awschalom, UChicago

3:30 pm Zoom

Q-NEXT: Engineering Entanglement for Computation, Communication and Sensing
David Awschalom, UChicago

As one of the five national DOE Quantum Information Science Research Centers, Q-NEXT brings together researchers in national laboratories, academia and the private sector to create an innovation ecosystem that enables the translation of discovery science into technologies. Led by Argonne National Laboratory, Q-NEXT includes three national laboratories, nine universities and ten of the U.S.’s leading quantum technology companies. The Center focuses on how to reliably control, store, and transmit quantum information with entanglement at distances from microns to kilometers. Addressing this challenge requires developing novel quantum materials and integrating them into devices and systems, developing new classes of ultra-precise sensors, and overcoming losses that occur when quantum information is communicated over long distances. The Center will also develop simulation and characterization tools that we can apply to these quantum systems.

Event Type


Dec 7